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Die Zukunft der Menschheit

Entfalte dein wahres Potential und entzünde dein Team

Andrea und Veit Lindau präsentieren einen Workshop mit dem LIVING CO-CREATION-TEAM Makasha und Katharine Roske, Carolyn und Sanford Anderson.

Jetzt für 14,90 € im homodea Abo

Die Zeit ist Jetzt.

Die Wahl ist Deine.

  • Bist du bereit für einen evolutionären Sprung?
  • Bist du bereit, die Mission deiner Seele zu finden und zu leben?
  • Fühlst du den Ruf, deine Gaben in Harmonie mit anderen zu teilen?
  • Bist du motiviert, einen wichtigen Part in der Geburt einer neuen Welt zu spielen?


Wir leben in außergewöhnlichen Zeiten. Die Menschheit ist mit individuellen und kollektiven Herausforderungen ungeahnten Ausmaßes konfrontiert. Alte Systeme, Institutionen und Megakonzerne scheitern in ihrer Schwerfälligkeit an der Geschwindigkeit der Entwicklung und kollabieren mehr und mehr.

Die Technik entwickelt sich exponentiell und braucht ein wesentlich reiferes menschliches Bewusstsein, um sinnvoll gehandhabt zu werden.

Alte Werte und Strukturen implodieren. Neue Visionen und Paradigmen tauchen in vielen Bereichen der Gesellschaft auf und rufen danach, durch konkrete Beispiele mit Leben erfüllt zu werden.

Die Probleme und Herausforderungen unserer Zeit konfrontieren uns mit vielen ungelösten Fragen, aber auch mit atemberaubenden Möglichkeiten.

Die erforderlichen Antworten werden Teams, Unternehmen und Gemeinschaften auf die Welt bringen, die in der Lage sind, starke ICHs in einem starken WIR zu vereinen.

Viele Menschen wissen das und fragen sich ungeduldig: Wie kann es gehen?

Die Lösung liegt in einer völlig neuen Beziehungsform, der bewussten Co-Creation.

Seit Jahrtausenden lebt der Mensch Konkurrenz und Kooperation. Beide Strukturen haben uns bis hierher gebracht, doch sind nun in ihren Möglichkeiten ausgereizt. Die nächste Entwicklungsebene zwischenmenschlicher Beziehung heißt Bewusste Co-Creation.

Makasha und Katharine Roske, Carolyn und Sanford Anderson und Veit Lindau präsentieren in diesem Vortrag erstmalig in Deutschland die Grundprinzipien des Co-Creations-Prozesses. Er ist, wenn du ihn erlernt hast, von dir in deiner Familie, jedem Team oder Unternehmen anwendbar.


…die bewusste Einstimmung auf Geist, Natur, deine wahre Essenz und andere.

…das Hervorbringen völlig neuer Lösungen, die dem Wohle aller dienen.

Gelebte Co-Creation

Verbinde dich mit anderen in einer harmonischen, konstruktiven Frequenz.

Entspannt eure Egos und vernetzt eure schöpferischen Genies in einem gemeinsamen Anliegen.

Baut gemeinsam ein kreatives Feld auf, dass etwas hervorbringt, was keiner von euch allein geschafft hätte.

Du erlernst im Co-Creation-Workshop

  • Eine praktische Anleitung, deine Teams in Felder der Co-Creation zu verwandeln.
  • Die Kunst, deine innere Führung wahrzunehmen und ihr zu folgen.
  • Deinem Seelenruf zu lauschen und ihn mutig zum Ausdruck zu bringen.
  • Deine Intuition stetig zu verfeinern.
  • Die Illusion der Trennung aufzulösen.
  • Mit anderen Resonanz zu erzeugen und das gemeinsame Anliegen zu finden und permanent zu aktualisieren.
  • Vertrauen in der Gruppe aufzubauen.
  • Disruptiv, neu und groß zu denken.
  • Gemeinsam überraschende Lösungen für bestehende Herausforderungen zu empfangen.
  • Neue Welten an Möglichkeiten zu gebären.
  • Neue Formen des Führens durch ein ganzes Team.
Jetzt für 14,90 € im homodea Abo

Katharine Roske

Social pioneer, educator, author, ceremonialist and grandmother is a founding partner and active steward of Hummingbird Community, a partner in Living Co-Creation Associates, and a co-author with Carolyn Anderson of The Co-Creator’s Handbook 2.0.  Each of these endeavors is an expression of her passion to serve the emergence of a planetary co-creative culture. Over the past four decades Katharine and Makasha have been living the principles and practices of co-creation in both their entrepreneurial ventures, as well as their production of numerous world-wide celebrations and link ups for peace. In the late 80’s they joined Carolyn and merged their organization World Family with Global Family sharing a commitment to shifting consciousness from separation and fear to unity and love. Katharine’s professional career also includes development and facilitation of programs focused on personal growth, co-creative community building, conscious evolution, empowered youth leadership, conscious birthing and women’s spirituality. She has co-founded numerous alternative and Waldorf oriented schools, as well as co-facilitated cross cultural international leadership programs.  Katharine is a co-founder of Earth Guardians and was co-director of the Children’s Torch of Hope Tour across America.

Carolyn Anderson

is the co-author of The Co-Creator’s Handbook 2.0, the authoritative guide to co-creative principles and practices. These practices were revealed to her in 1983 while working with Barbara Marx Hubbard on her “Campaign for a Positive Future.” They have been shared worldwide through the work of Global Family, which she co-founded with Barbara and two others in 1986. The organization is dedicated to shifting consciousness to unity, love, and co-creation and to empowering and connecting individuals and groups to actualize their purpose and co-create positive change in the world. She is a co-founder of Hummingbird Community in New Mexico, a partner in Living Co-Creation Associates, and the co-author of a number of books related to personal empowerment and spiritual evolution, including 52 Codes for Conscious Self Evolution with Barbara Marx Hubbard. In addition to coordinating activities for numerous global events and facilitating a number of international conferences, Carolyn has seeded hundreds of supportive Core Groups internationally to connect people at the heart and activate their creativity. Her passion is living and sharing co-creative practices and supporting the awakening of humanity to our full potential.

Makasha Roske

brings over 50 years experience as a social architect, meta designer, entrepreneur, futurist, promoter, networker and spiritual guide to his partnership in LCCA.  As co-founder of Hummingbird Community, he continues to be an active steward of this living laboratory of co-creation. In 1972 Makasha co-founded World Family and was a principle focalizer for international festivals and link-ups for world peace including World Invocation Day Festivals, the John Lennon Tribute, Harmonic Convergence, Campaign for the Earth, and the Children’s Torch of Hope.  In addition he was a key supporter for the First Earth Run, Live Aid Event, and Birth 2012. Through entrepreneurial ventures and nonprofit organizations, Makasha has been instrumental in shifting consciousness in the areas of social investing, conscious commerce, health and nutrition, gentle birthing, and integral education. His devotion to the younger generations has fueled his co-founding and contributing over the past three decades to the growth of his family’s youth organization, Earth Guardians.  As a guardian of the “new dream,” Makasha is passionately committed to whole systems transformation and cultivating a co-creative planetary culture in service to the well being of all life.

Sanford Anderson

is a social entrepreneur who is passionate about engaging a critical mass of people to sustain the higher mind and compassionate heart that are needed to engage with the significant global challenges and opportunities we face today.  The main channel for his passion is his work as a partner with Living Co-Creation and as a Board Member of Global Family, which is a non-profit that is working to shift consciousness to unity, love, and co-creation. Although Sanford had a 25 year career in business finance after earning an MBA from Stanford, his focus for decades has been on personal development. He helped build a company that used brainwave biofeedback to train people to regulate their access to the alpha brainwave state. He lived for seven years in an intentional community and learned firsthand about the importance of maintaining resonance, honoring deep listening, and accessing inner wisdom. He and his former wife co-created a successful life coaching practice. He was a leader in the “Men’s Movement” and helped establish the New Warrior Training Adventure in the San Francisco Bay area.